Summer P-EBT Benefits

May 21, 2021

Hello American Prep Families,

It has been an exciting school year! American Prep participates in the National School Lunch Program. Due to COVID-19 NSLP has extended a Summer P-EBT benefit to anyone that qualifies for free and reduced lunch. At this time, if you have not completed a Free/Reduced Lunch Application for the 2020-2021 school year, you may do so through Skyward Family Access, or by printing a paper form and submitting it to the school. If your application is approved, you will automatically qualify for the Summer P-EBT benefit. However, we feel it is important to note that the Summer P-EBT benefit will not be issued until later in 2021.

Families that would like to apply for free and reduced lunch must do so by August 1, 2021.