State Assessments

This page includes information on Utah State Assessments.


Dates when State Assessments will be administered may be located on the campus Parent Calendars (linked below).


AAPPL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages (grades 3-9)

Test given to students in the Dual Language Immersion program to check their proficiency of the target language.

ACT (grade 11)

An assessment that measures postsecondary readiness. The state-administered ACT includes English, reading, mathematics, science subtests.

Acadience Reading (grades K-3; optional for grades 4-6)

A brief literacy test, given 3 times during the school year (Beginning, Middle, End).

Early Literacy Alternate Assessment
(grades 1-3)

A rubric based literacy skills test for students with significant cognitive disabilities, given 3 times during the school year (Beginning, Middle, End).

Early Mathematics Assessment
(grades K-3)

A brief numeracy test, given 3 times during the school year (Beginning, Middle, End).

Early Mathematics Alternate
Assessment (grades 1-3)

A rubric based mathematics skills test for students with significant cognitive disabilities, given 3 times during the school year (Beginning, Middle, End).

CTE Skill Certificate

Competency-based tests given to students when they complete a course in Career and Technical Education. Required for certification.

DLM Dynamic Learning
Maps (grades 3-11)

Tests given at the end of the school year to students with significant cognitive disabilities to measure proficiency on the Alternate Achievement Standards (Essential Elements/Extended Core Science Standards) and school accountability.

General Financial Literacy Assessment

Tests given to students when they complete the General Financial Literacy course.

High School Civics Exam

A locally administered civics exam with questions from the U.S. immigration and naturalization test. Students need to correctly answer 35 out of 50 questions (alternate option available for students with disabilities).
Required for graduation.

RISE Summative Assessments
(grades 3-8)

Tests given at the end of a course to measure students’ proficiency on Utah Core Standards and school accountability

RISE Interim Assessments
(grades 3-8)

Optional tests that schools may choose to give to check students’ proficiency before a course is completed. Similar to the RISE Summative assessments in length.

RISE Benchmark Modules
(grades 3-8)

Optional productivity tools for teachers to use to help them get feedback on students’ learning of the Utah Core Standards at the Reporting Category level. These tools have approximately 8-13 questions.

Utah Aspire Plus
(grades 9-10)

Tests given at the end of the school year for all 9th and 10th graders, that include a combination of test questions from ACT Aspire and Utah’s item bank.

High School Core Benchmarks
(grades 9-12)

Optional productivity tools for teachers to use to help them get feedback on students’ learning of the Utah Core Standards at the Reporting Category level. These tools have approximately 8-13 questions.


Utah is a member state of the WIDA Consortium. WIDA advances academic language development and academic achievement for children and youth who are culturally and linguistically diverse through high-quality WIDA English Language Development (ELD) Standards, assessments, research, and professional learning for educators. Utah uses WIDA Screener for Kindergarten and WIDA Screener Online (Grades 1-12) to identify English Learners (ELs). ACCESS for English Language Learners (ELLs) is given to all EL students during the annual testing window to measure proficiency and growth toward academic language proficiency in English.


American Preparatory recognizes that Standardized Testing is an essential tool for measuring student learning and teacher success.  The data obtained from these assessments may be utilized by teachers and administrators to review student academic progress, plan instruction, and share with students and parents. Summative assessments allow for data to be used in public reporting about school quality. Parents may opt-out of most state standardized tests by submitting a Parental Exclusion form to the Academic Director.
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