School Lunch Ordering Update 8.31.21

August 31, 2021

Dear Parents,

We are so happy to be providing lunches for the students at APA! Many of you have heard that this year we opened a central kitchen, and we are now preparing all the food that is served to the students. This has been a fun and challenging adventure! 

In previous years we typically served 1200-1500 lunches per day district-wide. Since lunches are now free, we have doubled that number.  We received orders for over 2400 lunches per day!  This new demand has pushed us beyond our capacity in every way:

  • Our fridges are full and overflowing – the meals are prepared the day before, transported to the campuses, and chilled in the refrigerator. 
  • Our campus staffing at the campuses is based on serving 1500 students, so they are working at maximum capacity. 
  • Our central kitchen staff have been working overtime to get all the meals prepared, bagged, and delivered. 

Although in the future we may be able to expand our program, we have determined that at this point in time a reasonable capacity for our program is 2000 lunches a day.  Unfortunately, this means we will need to limit the number of lunches that can be ordered.

As with anything that is free, there is often waste.  We have tracked lunches not claimed and on any given day, 180-300 ordered lunches are left at the school.   You can see that if parents only ordered lunch for students who really wanted them and would eat them, we could potentially serve everyone who wants to receive lunch.  


  1. If you have already ordered lunches and your student doesn’t want or need the lunches, please login as instructed below to cancel them. You may also email for assistance canceling meals.
  2. For those who order – it is critical that your student takes the lunch. The meals are only free if a student receives it – otherwise the school pays the cost of the meal without any reimbursement, and a student who would have eaten the lunch misses the opportunity to have it.
  3. Go online to order during one of the 2-hour blocks listed below:
  • Tuesday 8/31/21 6pm – 8pm
  • We ask that this be “priority ordering” for families who rely on the lunch program. 
  • Wednesday 9/1/21 6pm – 8pm
  • Everyone is welcome to order at this time.

Orders will be closed when the campus reaches its maximum capacity. 

If you haven’t already, please submit a lunch application. All meals are free, but this is a great benefit to our school. 

To order for September 7 – September 30

  1. Go to
  2. Login with your email and password. If you forgot your password, try 1234. If you need to answer a security question, what is library card # try 1234.
  3. Click on ORDER (top middle)
  4. Add menu items to the cart by clicking on them. Add menu items to the cart by clicking on them. The grey bar is a NOTE (explains what the meal is for the day).  You must click on the Blue bar (Regular or Vegetarian) to add to cart.  
  5. Navigate to the next month by using the arrows on the top right.
  6. Review the order and finalize it.

If you had an account last year, you might have technical difficulties logging in. Contact your local school lunch worker or email so we can reset your account.

If the system is showing the wrong cost, please email so we can fix it. You can put items in your cart, but DO NOT purchase them until we have corrected the pricing for you.

Thank you!
Stephanie Egli & Emily Peery
APA School Lunch Team

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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