
Lunch Ordering Open Through End Of Year
Dear Parents, The menu has been posted, and the online ordering system is open through the last day of school. Menu Updates – we are

Order Meals For Next Month
Dear Parents, It’s time to order meals for next month! Why We Pre-Order Lunches At American Prep, all elementary students eat lunch in the classroom.

Menu Change Wednesday 8.7.22
Dear Parents, Due to supply chain issues, we are unable to obtain turkey for the Turkey Hoagie meal. Instead we have replaced it with extra

Lunch Reminder 8.5.22
Dear Parents, Please remember to ORDER MEALS for your students! Follow these three easy steps: We are excited to see you at next week’s orientation/meet

Ordering Lunches 2022-23
The website for ordering school lunch is now available! West Valley Students Last year we simplified the ordering process by having parents order only one

Free/Reduced Lunch Applications 2023
Dear American Prep Families! The USDA waiver that offered free meals to all students was NOT extended for the 2022-2023 school year. School meals will