
Meal Status Expiration 9.28.23
Dear Parent/Guardian, The free/reduced meal application on file for last year at American Preparatory Academy permitted your students to be served free meals for 30

English – APA Fall 2020 plan
American Preparatory Academy (APA) has engaged in a lengthy process of research, discussion, and collaboration with parents, staff members, and administrators regarding COVID19 and its

Last Chance to Order – First Week of School
Dera Parents, Monday by midnight is the last chance to order lunch for the first week of school! After Monday, meals must be ordered 6

Ordering Lunches 2023-24
The website for ordering school lunch is now available! How To Order Please follow these instructions to place your order Why We Pre-Order Lunches At

Free/Reduced Lunch Applications 2024
Dear American Prep Families, We are excited to have your students returning to school soon! We can now accept applications for Free and Reduced Lunch