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About American Prep

American Preparatory Academy is a free public charter school with 8 locations across Utah and Nevada. Charter schools are FREE public schools with the quality of a private education.
2018 marks American Preparatory Academy’s 15th anniversary as a public charter school in Utah. As one of the largest charter schools in Utah, American Prep has a proven record of serving students and retaining the best teaching staff. We do this through a strong classical education curriculum and fundraising efforts that ensure our teachers and staff receive competitive pay.
With its proven models, outstanding teachers and staff, it has become one of the most coveted schools. With the recent opening of our new Draper Junior High and High School campus, there will be spots available in most grades.
American Preparatory Academy received the Best of State Charter School award in 2017 and the 2011 Charter School of the Year award.

Core Pillars

At American Prep, we believe in providing our students a strong foundation of factual knowledge and the skills to decipher information and navigate through social situations. That’s why our primary pillars are rigorous academics and character development. Simply put, we teach our students to be smart, caring, and good citizens.

What happens in the classroom?

Small Class Size and Teaching Support – Our goal is to provide a positive, safe learning environment, where each of our kids receives the attention they need. This is why we have small class sizes and provide each of our elementary teachers with a supporting instructor for their classroom.

Achievement Level Groups – Because each student learns at a different pace, our teachers and instructors continually track student performance and assign them to an appropriate “Achievement Level Group”. These are groups that match students with similar academic performance. As students progress throughout the year, they may move to more challenging Achievement Level Groups or they may move to a group that helps them master a previously covered skill or subject.  Our goal with Achievement Level Groups is to ensure our students are receiving the challenge they need academically in a positive and encouraging environment.

What grades do we serve?

At American Prep, we believe in providing our students a strong foundation of factual knowledge and the skills to decipher information and navigate through social situations. That’s why our primary pillars are rigorous academics and character development. Simply put, we teach our students to be smart, caring, and good citizens.